Sunday, October 20, 2019

"Messages from Heaven" by Debra Tritt Kreiger

This is a story about messages sent from heaven and the power of art. My father-in-law recently passed on and this is the story of the three cardinals. I had painted this particular painting before but for a reason I can't explain I felt it needed these three cardinals. So I framed it up and took it to his room to brighten things up and he seemed pleased as he smiled when he saw the birds. Close to the time of his passing there appeared three cardinals outside the window, singing loudly so he could hear them. I wasn't there when the birds appeared but when I was told it gave me goosebumps. God works in mysterious ways and I suppose he was working through me the day I painted those cardinals. I'm sure those cardinals were guiding him onto his next journey. May he rest in peace.

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